Project Management, Commissioning, Construction Management, HVAC Commissioning, K-12 Education


Sewell, New Jersey


Vocational and Special Services School Districts of Gloucester County


$10 million


GREYHAWK provided full-time construction management services through design, bid and award, and construction phases, and HVAC commissioning services for a long-range facility upgrade project at Bankbridge Elementary School and Bankbridge Regional School.

During Phase I, GREYHAWK managed exterior renovations to paved surfaces, roof replacement, and EPDM coating and interior upgrades to mechanical equipment and controls. The Bankbridge Elementary scope also included full window replacement. During Phase II, GREYHAWK managed installation of new fire alarm and PA/clock systems and adding bipolar ionization to the HVAC systems. The Bankbridge Regional scope also included chiller replacement and mechanical equipment repairs. GREYHAWK reviewed HVAC equipment and systems and performed primary HVAC system commissioning including building automation system (BAS) commissioning, operations and maintenance manual review, training verification, and procurement and management of testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) services.

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