Construction Consulting, Claims and Dispute Resolution, Energy and Industrial




Hankin Environmental Systems


$10 million


The Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor for expansion of an activated carbon production facility subcontracted the design, fabrication, and furnishing of two new activators to Hankin Environmental Systems. The total value of Hankin’s work was just over $10 million dollars. Hankin’s work was scheduled to be completed in just under two years, with completion of the activator work coinciding generally with completion of the project. However, project completion was delayed, and a dispute arose between Hankin and the EPC contractor as to responsibility for the delay. The EPC contractor initiated an arbitration, seeking delay-related damages it claimed it had incurred, as well as pass-through damages from other subcontractors.

Hankin hired GREYHAWK to analyze the claims presented by the EPC contractor, as set forth in the EPC contractor’s schedule delay and disruption analysis; and to provide expert opinions, and if necessary, expert testimony in arbitration. During the course of our engagement, GREYHAWK prepared and submitted an expert report and provided testimony in deposition. Although the arbitration hearing did commence, a settlement was reached prior to expert testimony by GREYHAWK.

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